Thursday, October 6, 2011

Help Support The Medical Debt Responsibility Act Of 2011

'Doctor In The House’ Supports ‘Common Sense’ Medical Debt Responsibility Act Of 2011
By Rodney Anderson

As a successful family doctor and now as a United States Congressman serving his fifth term, Dr. Michael C. Burgess (R-TX26) has made a lifetime full of heroic decisions. Dr. Burgess is also uniquely qualified to make a decision regarding the Medical Debt Responsibility Act of 2011.
“I support the bill,’’ says Dr. Burgess, a co-sponsor of my bill that would clear paid medical debt off a citizen’s credit report in 45 days rather than seven years, thus allowing a qualified American access to credit. Previously, “I did not realize a demerit lingers (for years). … This makes a lot of sense, and it is common sense.’’
Dr. Burgess left his Denton-based practice shortly after being inspired by the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001.
“It made me question my place in the world,’’ Dr. Burgess tells me. “I’m a doctor, probably helping people. … but at the same time, am I really changing anything? So 9/11 had a very profound effect on me.’’
Several months later, Dr. Burgess was sent by his constituents to Washington. Dr. Burgess, who served as an advisor in John McCain’s 2008 Presidential bid, is the author of the fine book “Doctor In The House,’’ in which he offers “Prescriptions’’ to solve our health-care woes. (See Dr. Burgess’ op-ed piece in the Washington Times this week to understand what a powerful and important voice he offers.)
And just as he has a solution to that problem due to his front-row seat in medicine and politics, I have the same. That’s why we’re so proud to have him as a co-sponsor on The Medical Debt Responsibility Act, a bipartisan bill that costs taxpayers nothing yet can fuel a resurgence in healthy credit, housing and jobs.
According to my research, 40 percent of consumers have at least one medical collection. The average person has been subjected to 4.8 medical collections. That average person has owed about $456. We know that the way people pay their medical bills, with all the complications and the mistakes – 20 percent of all claims include an error — is not reflective of the way people normal pay their bills. Most of us pay our bills every month in a timely, organized fashion. But medical debt collection is not timely and not organized.   And FICO discriminates against those who fight through the red tape to eventually pay their bill but continue to suffer years of consequence. American citizens shouldn’t have to pay the price for the disorganization. And with the support of people like Dr. Burgess and other thought leaders – and with the support of people like you — The Medical Debt Responsibility Act will pass.
Because of his medical background, Dr. Burgess has been a strong advocate for health care legislation aimed at reducing health care costs, improving choices, reforming liability laws to put the needs of patients first, and ensuring there are enough doctors in the public and private sector to care for America’s patients and veterans. He’s an important voice in our government and your support of this work is critical. Click here to find your Texas representatives, to tell us your medical debt story and to sign a petition of support. Please contact your elected officials in Washington and let them know that you agree with Dr. Burgess and with me and support The Medical Debt Responsibility Act.
“This makes a lot of sense,’’ Dr. Burgess says, “and it is common sense.’’